Govis burtiski aiz laimes sāk lēkāt, tiekot brīvībā un ieraugot sauli! (Cows Literally Jump For Joy After Being Freed From A Dairy Farm Into An Open Field Again)

Šīs govis nespēj valdīt sajūsmu un prieku, kurš tās pārņem brīdī, kad pēc fermā iekštelpās pavadītās ziemas, viņām atkal ir iespēja ieraudzīt sauli un ieelpot svaigo lauku gaisu.
Šajā video redzamo govju ganāmpulku kāds gadīgs saimnieks nolēma paglābt no nokaušanas un pārņēma savā aizgādībā. Tagad viņš tām ļauj brīvi izbaudīt vecumdienas pozitīvā un no stresa brīvā vidē.
Govju prieks ir neaprakstāms un to ļoti skaidri var redzēt jebkurš šajā video!

After the winter season this cow-herd (included some young cows, which are not jet started to give milk, and never need to, and one bull) are coming out to the open field again. At this moment, is a few months ago, that there are saved from slaughterhouse by the neigbourhood. Usually, cows are happy when they get out in spring, but these cows are happier than the avarage dairy cow (they have no more stress in their live, from giving milk until their body is leached out, or from losing their childern) and you can feel their special happiness in the video.
The Song from about 1:30 is from Marco Brignoli “Crazy Horse” and we love it that song very much and we found it in Garage band from Aplle music software. And we are thanks to youtube user “Eyes of Italy” who found the name of song and author.

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